
I got sick and tired of being sick and tired …

… a glimpse into my story and how I can help you.

After a year of quarantine working with clients and seeing how massive the impact of stress from Covid has impacted people’s lives, I feel I should share my past struggles in hopes of helping others.

My health has been a rollercoaster my entire life. Looking back, I had always struggled with chronic stomach aches, sinus infections, allergies and fatigue.  I was prescribed medications in hopes to feel better where some would help some but most would not.  I come from a healthy family including a father who is a physician. I was never the kid who had a lunch anyone would want to trade typically consisting of whole wheat sandwiches and veggies.

When I went to college I had a dramatic shift in my dietary choices and my health got even worse.  I visited every doctor under the sun to try to figure out why I always felt bad. This went on for years. I never wanted to leave the house the thought of just putting on clothes stressed me out. I eventually met a holistic practitioner that educated me on alternative lab testing to help figure out what was going on. This opened up the doors to a whole new life.  I finally found some answers.  I had multiple parasites, my adrenals were shot, my hormones were completely out of wack, I had candida, and more food sensitivities than I can tell you.  As I went through years of clearing out my gut and balancing my hormones, I eventually saw light at the end of the tunnel.

People look at me and probably think they can’t relate to what I have going on but I say with conviction that I have had it ALL! Don’t ever judge a book by its cover.  Yes, I had days were I felt I couldn’t go on and wanted to give up…but I didn’t.  What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? Well, I want you to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel for your as well.  We too often throw a bandaid on our ailments but using conventional medicine  instead of finding out the cause and proper treatment.

I just want you to know there is always a solution and it may not come easy but if you are an advocate for your health you WILL find answers.

Have you tried everything?Let's talk.

Schedule a complimentary 45-minute consultation with Samantha to talk about your health journey and discover your best YOU!

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