
Samantha Lander

Posted by | May 24, 2021
What the heck is “Holistic Health”

Holistic health is about caring for the whole person — providing for your physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs. It's rooted in the understanding that all these aspects affect your overall health,...

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Posted by | May 19, 2021
All things Collagen … in the kitchen

I’m pretty excited to be sharing these recipes with you today  It’s not every day you’ve got a top-notch company offering you samples of my top selling supplement.   I...

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Posted by | May 5, 2021
Is Estrogen Dominating You?

Estrogen dominance is on the rise among men and women. Find out how you can get it under control. Estrogen dominance has been showing up a LOT lately in the...

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Posted by | April 27, 2021
How Kelp (Seaweed) Can Actually Help You Lose Weight and Balance Your Hormones

If you’re not eating kelp, your gut is missing out This low carb food does a lot more than you would think…. When you think of seaweed, do you only...

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Posted by | April 22, 2021
Wild Mushroom and Mung Bean Pasta

I am absolutely in love with this little creation. I was starving and didn't have a whole lot of options but I sure came up with something. If you love...

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Posted by | April 19, 2021
Infared Saunas?

In our current worldwide environment of polluted air, over treated, impure tap water and the thousands of chemicals used in food and drink processing, it’s no wonder that our bodies are...

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Posted by | April 16, 2021
Bloating from Candida?

Maybe, maybe not... your bloat could also be dysbiosis which means an imbalance between good and bad bacteria in your gut, it might be a food allergy, it might be...

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