
How Kelp (Seaweed) Can Actually Help You Lose Weight and Balance Your Hormones

If you’re not eating kelp, your gut is missing out

This low carb food does a lot more than you would think….

When you think of seaweed, do you only imagine a sushi wrapper? Kelp, a large type of seaweed is bursting with benefits that prove we should be eating it beyond what is in sushi In fact, kelp is in a ton of things we use on a daily basis — from toothpaste to ice cream.

Kelp grows in shallow oceans (in areas called kelp forests) and can reach great heights — up to 250 feet. There are about 30 different varieties of this ancient seaweed, the most common being giant kelp, bongo kelp, and kombu — which accounts for 21 percent of Japanese meals Trusted Source and is suggested as a reason for their above-average life span.


I’ll never forget the day I wore my hair pulled back with a headband and my friend told my I had a mini forehead and should never grow bangs.

Keep your kelp natural

When it comes to eating kelp, it’s best to do so in its natural form. (If you’re worried about radiation, know that there has been no indication of radioactivity in the United States coastal waters since the summer of 2016.) Kelp supplements can come with some serious health risks and excessive amounts of iodine can cause harm to the thyroid. So, make sure if you have hypo or hyper thyroid you get tested regularly esp. if taking kelp.

The FDA recommends 150 micrograms (mcg) of iodine per day. One pound of raw kelp can contain up to 2,500 mcg of iodine, so make sure you’re reading your packages and eating kelp in moderation.

Ideas of how to integrate kelp into your diet:

1. Get your noodle fix, low-carb style

Kelp noodles are delicious and can be easily found at grocery stores, health food stores like Whole Foods, or bought online on Amazon. Try swapping out your pasta for this low carb alternative or use them to create a tasty kelp noodle salad.

2. Remix Taco Tuesdays with kelp salsa

Sure, there’s salsa Verde and pico de gallo, but have you ever tried kelp salsa? The company Barnacle Foods creates three different types of this seaweed salsa:  Sea Verde, Campfire, and Original. Bonus: They also offer tangy kelp pickles!

3. Impress with chips and dip

Seaweed snacks are crunchy morsels of umami flavor. While these chips can be found at most grocery stores, you can also try your hand at making your own.

4. Season with seaweed

A sprinkling of kelp seasoning can take your dishes to the next level. These sea seasonings are readily available — Amazon or a health foods store. Available in convenient shakers, they make a great flavor addition to your stir-fry’s, marinades, and even popcorn!

5. Celebrate with soup or stir fry

How about a soup with that seaweed salad? One of the most common ways to use kelp is in soups. I like to make a chicken curry and to keep it low carb I add in Kelp noodles instead of the rice noodles. Or I love to throw it in with stir fry veggies and meat.

6. Spice up a healthy dessert

Mix things up by making sea-inspired desserts! There are some amazing recipes online for kelp or seaweed dessert just type it into the good old google search.

I’ve learned to love the size of my forehead because of the valuable insights and empowerment it’s given about my health.

And as many of my clients and I have experienced, it may not be possible to change the size of your forehead but you can learn to appreciate the health knowledge it has to offer, and it is possible to get your thyroid, digestion and detoxification back on track so you can have your luscious hair and clear skin back.

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